Sunday, May 13, 2012

Amusement park, Liseberg!

Roller coaster
This weekend my brother and my nieces Wilma and Ella came up to visit me. My brothers girlfriend, Åse, and her two sons, Kevin and Jonathan were also here. We went to the amusement park here in Gothenburg. It is called Liseberg. Check out the website here We had so much fun going up and down in all the roller coasters and all other attractions! I went on ALL the rides! I just love amusement parks!!! It makes me feel like a little girl again!
Wilma and Ella on their way up

Hold on!!


My brother Fredrik

Me! And Jonathan and Kevin behind me.

Spin rock!! My favorite!!!
Wohoo!! Straight up and down again!


  1. Uppskjutet äger fett! Du ÄR en liten flicka min vän! Snart ska jag krama dig!

  2. Um...I see you had so much fun.We've a similar park in Kampala.It's called DIDI's world.You should've gone there while you were here.It is a shame only kids go there.Have a good day!
