Friday, December 28, 2012

Boxing day


On Christmas day it was really bad weather here so we didn´t do much, just stayed indoors and relaxed.
On Boxing day on the other hand it was nice weather and we went out for a walk along the sea. It is always so beautiful there!!
In the afternoon my brother and his family came for dinner. We have a tradition to eat turkey on Boxing day. It was really nice! We have it with potatoes (irish), gravey. carrots and other greens. Delicious!! After dinner you are so full you can hardly move... Yet we maneged to play som games.

Next blog will be about New Year. That I will celebreate in Gothenburg, I leave Halmstad on Sunday.
Until then.

Ella, Jonte and Wilma after dinner. All with their new telephones...

Kevin with his new telephone...

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas eve, the 24th = christmas in Sweden

The christmas tree
 Merry Christmas!

The 24th, on Christmas eve, we  celebrate Christmas here in Sweden. In the morning the children usually get a christmas gift. They can get it in a stocking or beside the bed or as the tradition in our family is - at the end of a string! Then Santa (or Mom or Dad) put a string all around the house, over and under furnitures and in and out of all the rooms. At the end there is a gift. So when the child wakes up in the morning it starts following the string, from its bed to the end were the present is! At the end of my string there was a body lotion! Thank you Santa!

After that we have breakfast together then it is time to rhyme on the christmas gifts and put them under the christmas tree.
The angels and the shepherd's in the church. At the alter is Virgin Mary with baby Jesus.
 At one o'clock we go to church. It is a family service and they have a roll play about when Jesus was born so that even the small children can follow the story. There is Virgin Mary with baby Jesus, the angels and the shepherd's and the three holy men. We listen to the choir sing and we also paticipate in singing the hymns like "Silent night".

After church we return home.
Watching Disney on TV.
 At home we have coffee and cakes while we watch Disney movies on the TV. This has been on at three o'clock for as long as I can remember and it has become a tradition to watch it together.  It is on for one hour.

Then it is time for Santa Claus to come! So many presents to deliver!! The children were so happy and so was I! This year I was Santa and delivered the gifts!!

Then we eat a big christmas buffet and then some candy before we go to sleep, delicious! Then you are so full that you can hardly stand up!
Sweet dreams!

Me as Santa!

Åse and my brother Fredrik.

My mother and my nice Wilma.

Åses kids Jonte and Kevin.

Christmas candy.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Christmas decorated apartment!

This is my apartment decorated for christmas! Do you like it? Tomorrow I will drive down to Halmstad (the city were I grew up. It is about 130 km south of Gothenburg) to spend christmas with my parents and my brother and his family.  In Sweden we celebreate christmas on the 24th, I guess we couldn´t wait till the 25th! It is only up here in the Scandinavian countries thet we celebreate the 24th, i guess that is because we are special!!
The next blog will be about that. Merry christmas to you all!

Friday, December 21, 2012

Last day of the term!

Me and my Santa hat!
Yesterday was the last day of the term!! Now I´m on christmas holiday until 7th of January, jippi! On the last day I always go to school wearing my Santa hat! Then it feels a bit more like christmas!
After school I went down town to buy some cristmas gifts and to look at the christmas decorations. The whole city is filled with lights! Beautiful!
I finished the evning at a resturant with some other teachers from my school. It has become a tradition to meet in the evening of the last day of the term to wish each other a Merry Christmas. It is a very nice tradition I think! What do you think?
Tomorrow I will blog about how my apartment looks when it is decorated for christmas. Have a good evning!
Gothenburgs christmas tree. Gustav Adolf square.

Harry Hjörnes square.

The Avenue.

Singing choir formed as a chrismas tree.

At the restaurant. Helana, Josefine and Per.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Christmas at Liseberg!

Me and the Liseberg rabbit.

Here are some pictures from Liseberg, the amusement park, at winter time. I went there last week with my parents. It was wery cold, about 10 degrees below zero!!
There are lights everywere!!  It is soooo beautiful! They also have a big market were you can try and buy swedish delecasies. You can also go on some of the rides, but most of them are closed because it is to cold. Check it out on the website;

Today is the last day of the term here. Then the teachers and students go on christmas holiday, finaly!! I will post pictures on my blog from todays festivities.


The high tower as a chrismas tree made of lights.

My parents

Sunday, October 21, 2012


A moose!! With her two kids!
 Today when me and my nighbour, Carita, were out walking in the forest we saw a moose with her two kids!!! Wow they are so big!! It is the biggest animal in Sweden. It is not dangorus, it does not eat meat. But when they have kids they can be pretty irretated and then they can be dangouros.  So amazing to see them!
There were also some other beautiful sceanery! Enjoy the pictures.

Sunday, October 7, 2012


Add caption

Long time...
I just wanted to share some pictures from the Swedish autumn. Sweden is changing colours, isn't it beautiful?!
Later on all the leaves falls off the trees. Then they grow back in the spring. Fascinating how the nature works!!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012



Som jag berättade i det förra inlägget så var vi i Kampala i förra veckan för att få passen färdiga och för att söka visum. Det tog mycket tid och kraft att springa mellan de olika myndigheterna... Men på onsdagen hade vi en mellandag när vi bara kunde vänta. Då passade Mathias på att åka och besöka sin mamma som bor strax utanför Kampala och Martin visade mig runt i staden. Jag måste säga att jag tidigare inte har varit vidare förtjust i staden med dess fruktansvärda trafik och avgaser.
 Men efter onsdagens rundvisning måste jag säga att jag har ändrat åsikt! Kampala kan vara fantastiskt läckert! Vi besökte bla en marknad som var enorm med massor av saker att titta på och köpa, kolla bara in bilderna på kryddorna!!

Därefter gick vi uppåt bland kullarna. Kampala är, precis som Rom, byggt på sju kullar. Kommer man lite högre upp, bort från trafikkaoset i centrum, så har man en härlig utsikt!

Därefter tog vi Boda till en utstickare av Viktoriasjön som når ända upp till Kampala, stranden heter Gabbabeach. Där var det fiskmarknad. De har en god fisk som heter Tilapia som fiskas där. Plötsligt kom det en kille fram och frågade om vi ville följa med på en båttur på sjön, och det ville vi ju gärna! Det var första gången som Martin åkte båt så han var mycket lycklig! Även jag tyckte att det var härligt att komma ut på en liten båttur!!

Vi tog en taxi (minibuss) tillbaka till centrum och den kaosaktiga taxiparken. Jösses vad mycket bilar!! Sedan en kall öl med utsikt över gatan och trafikkaoset och god middag! Så det var inte bara elände i Kampala!

Nu är jag tillbaka i Mbale. Jag har besökt båda skolorna och pratat med elever och lärare. Dessutom har jag shoppat en hel del. Sytt upp tre klänningar bla! Heja mig! På torsdag åker jag tillbaka till Sverige! Då ses vi!
Kampala och några av de sju kullar som staden är byggd på.
Kampalas taxipark. Något kaosartat...


Viktoriasjön från båt!

Många ska få plats!

Kampalas trafik, något utöver det vanliga...